Adorable Daloris: shy, playful, and climbing enthusiast

Daloris is 8 months old and may still be in her puppy stage, but is a sweetheart who loves to run.
Published: Jul. 31, 2023 at 8:35 PM EDT
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RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) - This week’s Black Hills Fox Pet of the Week may sound like a toddler because Daloris loves to climb on and over things. Daloris is an 8-month-old Chinese Shar-Pei/German Shepherd mix. Black Hills Fox was told Daloris is shy but loves to lick, run, and jump.

Daloris gets nervous in challenging situations, but give her a bit of time and she will warm up quickly.

You can check Daloris out at the Humane Society of the Black Hills every day at 11 a.m.