Healthwatch: Remembering sunscreen in the heat

Summer in the Black Hills is a great time to get out and explore but it’s also a time when your skin is at risk.
Published: Jun. 15, 2023 at 8:33 PM EDT
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RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) - Summer in the black hills is a great time to get out and explore but it’s also a time when your skin is at risk. This week for Healthwatch we are joined by Dr. Maren Gaul with Monument Dermatology to discuss the importance of wearing sunscreen regularly.

“The sun’s UV rays can cause sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer,” said Gaul.

Next, she discussed what type of sunscreens you should be on the lookout for.

“Start each day with sunscreen, it’s the most effective tool you can use to protect your skin. Look for broad-spectrum coverage, which means your skin is protected from both UVA and UVB rays. The SPF should be 50 or higher,” said Gaul.

Dr. Gaul then explained how frequently the protection should be used.

“Reapply sunscreen every two to three hours or more often if you’ve been sweating or swimming. While some sunscreens are water resistant, no sunscreen is waterproof. A lot of summer clothes and swimsuits offer SPF coverage as well,” said Gaul.

After that, she gave tips for some additional protection from the sun.

“Choose lightweight breathable fabrics and wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to add additional protection. Don’t forget to protect your scalp ears feet and ankles. While you may be vigilant about your sunscreen application when heading to the pool or on a hike you may forget to apply sunscreen to vulnerable areas when you’re just out and about. Make sure to protect yourself, even when you’re going to the park or running errands,” said Gaul.

Lastly, she reminded everyone to avoid sunlight during the hours of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. as the sun’s rays are the brightest during this time.

This has been your Healthwatch, be sure to check in here next week for more health tips.