Spring snow could cause summer potholes
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) - This weekend’s snow had more of an impact on the roads than just making them slippery; it made them more susceptible to erosion.
Last weekend parts of western South Dakota saw more than three inches of snow, and this coming weekend there is another chance for precipitation. Because of this year’s dry winter in the Black Hills, the moisture was much needed but with it comes a different set of problems.
“The water affects the way the base is. So you get mud underneath. And then you get vehicles driving across it. And then, of course, the asphalt is only as strong as it can be. So, say our garbage trucks that have to go through weekly, what will happen is it will press the asphalt. A little bit of mud will move around. In which case, we will get some weaknesses in our asphalt,” Rapid City Street Maintenance Supervisor Jeremy Cahill said.
Cahill says despite this season’s mild temperatures, there could still be some potential problems if potholes do pop up. Asphalt plants aren’t operating until the temperature is consistently warmer.
“This time of year since we haven’t got to all the potholes, the hot-mix plants aren’t open yet they won’t be open for about two weeks, so yes it could cause some more issues. We’re not expecting too much but there’s always a possibility there’s a pothole that water gets into and definitely does a little more damage to the road and creates a lot more potholes,” Cahill said.
Cahill also stressed the extreme temperature fluctuations in the Black Hills as a reason asphalt weakens over time, with summer temps potentially reaching 105 degrees, and extreme winter temps plummeting to below 20.
If you’re driving around town and see any potholes that need attention you can call the pothole hotline at (605)394-4152 or email pothole@rcgov.org.
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