Healthwatch: Workouts to try at home

Finding time for a workout routine can be difficult, especially if you want to get it done at home.
Published: May. 25, 2023 at 9:09 PM EDT

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) - Finding time for a workout routine can be difficult, especially if you want to get it done at home.

This week on Healthwatch, Nicole Craig, a wellness director at the YMCA, discusses a workout routine that most can try from their homes.

The first exercise she demonstrated was lateral steps.

“So we’re just gonna start out at first and do some nice side steps… some nice lateral movement just stepping side to side and you get to decide how long you wanna do this for thirty seconds if you’re just starting out, one minute if you’re like I got this and I know what I’m doing,” said Craig.

Next, she demonstrated the proper form for squats.

“Toes knees and hips all facing in the same direction and that can either be forward or out to the side we can open everything up. And again thirty seconds down and up. Or if you’re like I know what I’m doing Nicole, go for a minute,” said Craig.

The next exercise of the workout is a stretch from your head to your toes.

“We’re gonna stand in somewhat of a first position this is my nice ballet move here… we reach up exhale fold, gather everything in and rise. Opening up the chest… hinging at the hips… raising everything up then down. It’s a nice full body stretch so don’t feel like you have to dance and if you don’t wanna dance then we’re just gonna open up that chest, fold, lower the arms, and then rise up nice and tall. It’s up to you, you can add your own flair to it if you like,” said Craig.

Lastly, she demonstrated the proper way to do the plank technique.

“Find your position, flat back, and then just hold your plank. Again thirty seconds up to one minute and then you’re done! Then we’re just gonna sit back in the child’s pose… lower the knees take the hands forward… inhale then exhale, and sit back down. Repeat that two or three times and you are good to go for May,” said Craig.