Hottest weather of the year is upon us

Published: Jul. 26, 2021 at 11:17 AM EDT

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) - The hot weather is going to continue. Yesterday we had our first 100 degree temperature day of the year and today is looking like we will hit 100 again. Highs across most of the area are in the triple digits with the exception of locations in the Black Hills. Even though temperatures are extremely hot, we are still dealing with hazy weather across the area. The haze will actually keep the temperatures lower than they could be. As far as rainfall, there is a minor chance of a po-up isolated shower in the Black Hills, but beyond that, we are going to be dry and sunny today.

Tomorrow we are going to see much of the same. Temperatures tomorrow will actually be slightly higher than today and yesterday with a high of 103 forecasted for Rapid City. Tomorrow will once again be sunny and dry.

Hot weather will continue on Wednesday before things start to cool off starting Thursday.

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